• The journey toward a more sustainable textile industry encompasses direct and indirect actions that are aimed at minimizing environmental impact.
  • Thanks to a number of innovative policies and initiatives, Europe is at the forefront of integrating sustainability into the textile industry.
  • For brands to thrive in this new sustainable landscape, embracing the circular economy is a necessity.

By Johnny Shell


This past Monday (April 22) was the 54th occurrence of Earth Day. Being kind to the environment should always be at the forefront of our minds, but it takes on particular significance at this time of year with the promise of Spring and new beginnings. Let’s take this opportunity to reflect on the impact of one of the world’s most resource-intensive industries: Textiles. The textile industry is notorious for its significant water consumption, which is estimated at 93 billion m3 consumed annually. Accounting for approximately 20% of global wastewater, the textile industry is responsible for approximately 10% of global CO2 emissions and generates approximately 92 billion tons of solid waste each year. These statistics are not just alarming—they underscore the pressing need for a shift toward sustainability and a circular economy in the printed textile and decorated apparel industries.

Taking Action

The journey toward a more sustainable textile industry encompasses direct and indirect actions that are aimed at minimizing environmental impact while also promoting the reuse and recycling of resources. Key strategies include:

  • Optimizing Water Use: Implementing water-efficient processes in dyeing, printing, and finishing can significantly reduce the textile industry's water footprint.
  • Reducing Energy Consumption: Adoption of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources can lower CO2
  • Minimizing Waste: Encouraging the design of products with longer lifecycles and incorporating materials that are easier to recycle or are biodegradable can dramatically decrease waste.
  • Promoting Recycling, Upcycling, and Downcycling: Implementing take-back schemes and supporting markets for recycled or downcycled materials can extend the life of textile fibers.

Europe Leads the Charge

Thanks to a number of innovative policies and initiatives, Europe is at the forefront of integrating sustainability into the textile industry. Here are a few examples:

  • The European Green Deal is an ambitious roadmap for making the EU’s economy more sustainable by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all policy areas. Its vision is a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, with the textile sector playing a crucial role in this transition.
  • The Eco-Design for Sustainable Product Regulation (ESPR) aims to make products placed within the EU market more sustainable. Manufacturers are required to design products that are easier to repair and recycle, while also consuming less energy. For the textile industry, this means creating garments that have a lower environmental impact throughout their lifecycle.
  • Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs assign producers greater responsibility for the end-of-life management of their products. In the textile sector, this translates to obligations for the collection, recycling, and disposal of garments. It also encourages businesses to design for recyclability from the outset.
  • The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a novel initiative designed to provide detailed information about a product's environmental footprint, origin, composition, and end-of-life handling instructions. For textiles, this could revolutionize the way we understand and manage the sustainability of garments, while empowering consumers to make more informed choices.

Embracing a Circular Economy

For brands to thrive in this new sustainable landscape, embracing the circular economy is not just an option—it’s a necessity that involves:

  • Implementing On-Demand Production: This approach reduces overproduction, leading to a significant decrease in waste and unsold inventories.
  • Advancing Nearshoring: By moving production closer to the consumer market, brands can significantly cut down on transportation costs and carbon emissions.
  • Designing for Durability: Creating garments that are more durable and easier to repair extends the lifecycle of clothing, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  • Facilitating Return Programs: Encouraging consumers to return used garments for recycling or downcycling supports a circular economy model.
  • Optimizing for Recycling: Designing products with end-of-life in mind ensures that materials can be more easily recycled, further minimizing waste.

The Bottom Line

Europe’s commitment to sustainability and the circular economy offers a blueprint for the global textile industry. Through stringent policies like the Green Deal, ESPR, EPRs, and the introduction of the Digital Product Passport, Europe is not only addressing the environmental challenges posed by the textile industry but also paving the way for innovative, sustainable practices. These initiatives demonstrate a more comprehensive approach to sustainability, emphasizing the need for systemic change across the value chain.

With its potential for reduced waste and more efficient production processes, the digital textile printing sector plays a pivotal role in this transition. By adopting or supporting initiatives like those in Europe, brands can significantly reduce their environmental footprint—contributing to a healthier planet for future generations. Every day should be Earth Day, so let’s take inspiration from Europe’s environmentally minded efforts and strive toward a more sustainable, circular economy in the global textile industry.

Johnny Shell is the Principal Analyst of Keypoint Intelligence’s Textile and Apparel Printing Service. He is a printing expert and recognized leader with over 35 years of industry experience. His solid commitment to organizational advancement and strategy-driven growth enable him to design and execute revenue-based strategies with his comprehensive knowledge of printing techniques and technology platforms.